Coriander is a popular herb that is used in many cuisines around the world. Ground coriander has an intense, citrus flavor with a hint of spicy aromas. It is often used in Asian, Mexican, Indian and Mediterranean cuisines to add flavor to various dishes. It can be used as an addition to soups, sauces, meats, fish, salads, as well as a component of spices for chicken or spicy dishes. The spice of ground coriander leaves may differ from fresh leaves in terms of flavor intensity, but can still add a subtle, spicy and citrus flavor to dishes. For recipes that call for fresh coriander leaves, it's worth adding ground coriander in the right proportions, trying to adjust the flavor to your own preferences. Remember that the taste and intensity of spices may vary depending on the manufacturer, so it is always worth reading the product label for information on specific flavor characteristics and how to use it.