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Dried Sage Leaves Algota



Meramiya Dried Sage Leaves Algota 



Sage has a strong aroma with a hint of eucalyptus. Some varieties are distinguished by a spicy flavor, others with a slightly more camphor-like scent. However, this plant is recognizable primarily for its bitter, sometimes even tart taste.

As a seasoning, it is best for marinades for meat or fish dishes, pasta or soups. To bring out the desired aroma from the herb, first chop it or grind it in a mortar.

The herb enriches the flavor of the dish and has properties supporting the digestion of fats. Sage contains a wide range of bioactive compounds, including alkaloids, fatty acids, polyphenols, saponins, and terpenoids.

Although sage, known and used so far mainly for medicinal purposes, is just gaining popularity in Polish cuisine, it is worth experimenting with. The specific taste and aroma of this herb, when used in moderation, will result in deliciously composed dishes.



100% natural product

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  • Categories: Masala
  • Availability: In stock
  • Contact Seller Contact Seller: 739623782