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Rice Flour TRS 1.5kg



TRS Rice Flour is hygienically milled and specially treated to ensure it is free from any impurities. It is a versatile product that can be used in both savoury and sweet dishes. TRS Rice Flour is made from Indian Basmati Rice and is free from gluten and high in protein, Ground Rice can be used in controlled diets. Gluten-free product. Rice flour is a great replacement for gluten-containing flours. It is widely used in the kitchen, so it is always worth having it at hand! It is rich in vitamins and minerals, high in dietary fiber and low in fat. Gluten-free rice flour can be used, among others, for baking cakes, cookies and preparing desserts, as a thickening agent for sauces, as well as for the preparation of pancakes or pies.

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