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Barnyard Millet Prakrutivaram Varam 500g



Prakrutivaram is a range of certified organic food products stemmed from our aim of providing complete solutions across organic supply chain. By offering end consumers quality organic food products which are sourced directly from farmers, we make sure our involvement in the supply chain from farm to hands. Our products guarantee purity and reach your hands without the use of chemical fertilizers, additives or artificial ingredients.


Barnyard Millet is a small white-shaped seed that grows naturally in Uttarakhand, India. It includes more nutrition than other cereal grains and is a great source of protein, carbs, and fibre. This can be provided to 6 to 8-month babies as gruel or Kheer, and to kids above one year as dosa and idlis. It is recognized as "Sanwa Rice" but when boiled, it makes it taste almost like rice. Barnyard Millet is indeed a real natural blessing to the daily meal and inactivity, which can lead to numerous health issues.

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