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Basmati Rice Biryani Banno 5kg



An ISO 22000:2005 & ISO 9001:2015 Company, Sulson Overseas Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India is one of the leading producers of Top Quality Basmati Rice in India. Registered with the Government of India as an Export House, Sulson’s traditional Indian Basmati Rice brands, BANNO & SAMAA have an impressive worldwide presence in over 50 countries predominantly from Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, Oceania, Russia. Regular feedback about our products from the cross section of our consumers worldwide has helped us improve upon all its aspects and live up to their expectations. We aim to achieve customer satisfaction by providing supreme quality Basmati Rice with maintaining its high quality of product standards and the strict delivery commitments. ur vision is to be acknowledged as the trusted leaders for the processing of superior quality Basmati Rice with competitive pricing.


Basmati - due to its snow-white, delicate, slender grains and distinctive nutty aroma (basmati means fragrant), it is called the "prince of rice". It grows in India and Pakistan in the foothills of the Himalayas. During cooking, the grains swell only lengthwise, they become extremely long, thin and loose. Indispensable for Indian dishes - pilaf, fish, poultry, meat. This variety of rice is popular for its distinctive aroma and unique taste. Although it is commonly used to make various types of biryani, with basmati rice. The aroma and taste of basmati offers many delicious Indian recipes. Biryani itself has an essence, and when prepared with Banno Biryani Basmati rice, it has a versatile aroma and exotic appearance and can trigger all taste buds. Known for its unique property of elongating after cooking, each bean separates from the other, making it an irresistible royal delicacy. Composition 100% basmati rice.

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