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Cassava / Yuca 500 gram




Cassava is from Brazil. It is widely cultivated throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. He was there and still is, an essential component of the diet.

Cassava is an extremely versatile vegetable. It can be cooked (also by steaming), baked, fried, grilled, or added to stew or soup. It is often served as an addition to meats with salt, pepper, and lime juice.


Raw cassava tuber is poisonous because it contains manihotoxin glycoside, which easily transforms into highly poisonous Prussian acid. Poisonous properties are lost after cooking, baking, or drying, and then the tubers can be consumed without fear of poisoning.

From starch flour obtained after grinding manioc tuber, Tapioca is used for confectionery and for the preparation of dietary starch dishes.

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