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Kalonji Seeds TRS



Kalonji Seeds

The seeds are used as an additive to bread or vegetable products.

  • SKU:
  • Categories: Masala
  • Availability: In stock

Kalonji Seeds TRS, 100g

The seeds are used as an additive to bread or vegetable products.

Kalonji seeds give the dishes a distinct taste and aroma.

Other Names:
Black Onion Seeds, Black Cumin, Nigella

Nigella is not the only addition to the dishes and bread, also contains many active substances with strong medicinal properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant, and protective at the same time:
- Various fatty acids (linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, eicosadienoic rare in nature, palmitic, myristic, and others)
- Phospholipids and phytosterols
- Valuable flavonoids and saponins are equally valuable
- Protein (eight of the nine essential amino acids) and carbohydrates
- Alkaloids, among others, nigellinę, nigellaminę, nigellidynę, nigellicynę - rare in the plant world)
- Essential oil containing, among others, tymochinon, limonene, carvacrol, carvone, and others.
- Vitamins A, E, F, B1, B3, B6, biotin, mineral compounds include zinc, selenium, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium.
1. It has an immunoprotekcyjne.
2. Improves mood allergy sufferers
3. Helping asthmatics.
4. It will help to cope with anemia.
5. It has strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal.
6. It also has antiparasitic
7. Czarnuszka protects against the effects of radiation.
8. It helps to get rid of hypertension.
9. It prevents the formation of kidney stones.
10. Works przeciwwrzodowo stomach.
11. It has a cytotoxic activity - anti-tumor.
12. Helps control skin changes.
13. It has an antycukrzycowe.
14. It protects against damage to the liver and kidneys.
15. It protects against osteoporosis.
16. It soothes the central nervous system.
17. Helpful in the case of autoimmune diseases.
18. Perfect for hair problems.
19. It accelerates the healing of wounds.
20. has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

  • Contact Seller Contact Seller: 739623782