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Neem powder Top-op 100g



Heera is a well-known brand providing among the others food products and incense sticks. All of the products are very high quality which made Heera recognizable in many countries. Heera's products include ready-to-eat foods, beverages, spreads, spices, pickles, sauces, flours, rices, spice blends, as well as luxury spices such as saffron.

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Neem powder Heera


Already several thousand years ago, the Neem tree was recognized for its valuable healing properties. This plant grows in India and neighboring countries, where it has long been considered the most versatile herb. Each part of it has some therapeutic properties. More than 140 compounds have been isolated from it and many of them are used in medicine.

First of all, Neem purifies the blood. Ayurveda traditionally recommends the powdered form of the herb because its flavor initiates the digestive process.


Additional valuable properties are:

- maintaining the proper level of sugar,

- supporting the immune system,

- facilitates breathing and cleanses the respiratory system,

- balances metabolism, recommended in digestive system ailments,

- cares for healthy skin and clean complexion,

- helps in getting rid of parasites.

- eliminates acne.

- heals wounds.

- reduces dandruff.

- reduces joint pain.

- exfoliates the skin.



Tips on how to use:

- it is best to brew together with tea, slightly sweetening it with e.g. honey, because meem has a bitter taste, one cup in the morning and one in the evening.

- Neem powder infusion can also be used to rinse your teeth, as it relieves pain and eliminates inflammation of the gums.

- 1 teaspoon up to 1-2 times a day. Mix the powder with water. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric.

- to prepare a paste for skin or hair, simply mix neem powder with water to a thick paste.

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