Gundruk is one of the national Nepali dishes. Gundruk is a fermented leafy green vegetable, mainly made out of green mustard, cauliflower, or radish leaves. It is widely prevalent among Nepalese and is usually used to make soup (Gundruk ko jhol), pickles (Gundruk ko achar) or curry by adding in potatoes and different spices. Most cherished mouth-watering delicacies prepared from gundruk are: Gundruk Sadheko, Gundruk ko Achaar and Gundruk jhol (Gundruk Soup). Picky eaters, especially those who don’t like eating vegetables, may find gundruk a very good side dish with its unforgettable aroma, tenderness and mild sourness. Gundruk combined with legumes, especially in vegetarian diet, can fill the protein gap in body. Also, from nutritional standpoint, gundruk can be considered as a concentrated source of minerals, vitamins, therapeutically active compounds. Gundruk is considered to cure indigestion and boost the immune system.