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Tulsi Green Tea (loose leaf tea) 100g Organic India



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  • Categories: TEA
  • Availability: In stock

Tulsi Green Tea (loose leaf tea) 100g Organic India


Tulsi (Holy Basil), Queen of Herbs, the legendary ‘’Incomparable One’’, is one of the holiest and most cherished of the ancient healing herbs of India. Tulsi is renowned for its spiritual sanctity, as well as for its central role in the Ayurvedic and Unani systems of holistic and herbal medicine of the East.

Tulsi’s unique restorative properties make it an ideal supplement to help cope with today’s stressful and challenging environment. Renowned as a general tonic and vitaliser, The Elixir of Life, Tulsi is used in hundreds of different traditional herbal formulations and is enjoyed as simple, delicious Infusion.


Green Tea  is enjoyed by millions worldwide for it’s beneficial properties, and refreshing taste. The exotic blend thus offers the calm serenity of Tulsi (Holy Basil) and the delicate flavor of Green Tea. Sit back, relax and enjoy all  the sensory experiences and social pleasures offered by this unique blend.



Tulsi Green Tea : Holy Basil with Green Tea, 100% Certified Organic tea

Contains Caffeine



Green Tea

Rama Tulsi

Krishna Tulsi

Vana Tulsi


Directions :

Place one heaping teaspoonful per cup (120 ml) in Tea-pot/cup and then pour boiling water directly on Tulsi leaves. Infuse for 3-5 minutes. Add sweetener if desired. Strain & serve. Best when consumed without milk.

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