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Brown Chick Peas 2KG



These chickpeas are known as Desi chickpeas as well as they are thought to have come from Asia originally, have a small, darker seed and a rough coat, cultivated mostly in the Indian subcontinent, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Iran.

Brown Chickpeas, Kala Chana, TRS, 500g

These chickpeas are known as Desi chickpeas as well as they are thought to have come from Asia originally, have a small, darker seed and a rough coat, cultivated mostly in the Indian subcontinent, Ethiopia, Mexico, and Iran.

Chickpeas are grounded to fine flour to produce gram flour (besan). It is also used for preparing many tasty snacks like sev, chila, and pakoras and curnes like koftas.

Chickpeas lower blood pressure and cholesterol, which is the main cause of atherosclerosis, heart diseases such as coronary artery disease, or heart attack. A potassium content helps patency blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure and iron from chickpeas prevents anemia. Recommended is also the anemia and constipation, as it contains a lot of fiber. It is also helpful in diseases of the intestines.

The average nutritional value cooked (without salt) in 100 g of peas

Energy value - 164 kcal
Total protein - 8.86 g
Fat - 2.59 g
Carbohydrates - 27.42 g (including sugars 4.80)
Fiber - 7.6 g

Vitamin C - 1.3 mg
Thiamine - 0.116 mg
Riboflavin - 0.063 mg
Niacin - 0526 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.139 mg
Folic acid - 172 micrograms
Vitamin A - 27 IU
Vitamin K - 4.0 micrograms

Calcium - 49 mg
Iron - 2.89 mg
Magnesium - 48 mg
Phosphorus - 168 mg
Potassium - 291 mg
Sodium - 7 mg
Zinc - 1.53 mg

Preparation Instructions:

Take sprouted brown chick peas and put it in the pressure cooker or in a closed pan, add some salt and cook it on a high flame for 15 minutes till the chickpeas
become soft. Now chick peas are ready to make desired varieties of Indian recipes.


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