Cloves Whole TRS,50g
Cloves are the aromatic dried flower buds from the clove tree, which are very burning pungent in taste, strongly aromatic, and rust-brown in color. Cloves are originally from Indonesia. Cloves are used as spices in preparing many recipes all over the world. Cloves are used in cooking either whole or in powdered form. They are very strong in taste so they should be used sparingly. Cloves are used in almost all rich or spicy dishes as an ingredient of the mix along with other spices, one example of such spice mix is known as “ Garam Masala“. In Indian cuisines, cloves are used as a whole in preparing pulao and are extremely used in Biryani recipes to enhance the flavor of rice. Cloves are also key ingredients for Masala Chai (spiced tea). Cloves are one of the essential ingredients for making Dutch speculaas, a type of shortcrust biscuit. Furthermore, cloves are used in traditional Dutch stews like “hachee”.
TRS Cloves are grown and nurtured to give the finest flavor. Mainly used to flavor pulao Rice, and an important ingredient in the mixture of Garam Masala.
Add a Clove or two in homemade Apple Pie to impart a delicious flavor.
Thanks to the properties of disinfectant cloves enhance the immune system and eliminate the widespread infection in the body.
• destroy free radicals, and therefore are excellent prevention of many diseases,
• prolong the youth,
• due to its strong antiseptic eliminate infections and inflammation,
• Moreover mulled wine with cloves soothes shattered nerves, helps you fall asleep, and regulates the functions of the nervous system,
• This causes a reduction of free radicals within the body.
Cloves are useful for headaches or teeth. When a toothache is recommended to chew a clove or soak a cotton ball in clove oil and applying it to the painful area
Storage: To retain freshness and flavor store in an airtight container, in a cool dry place.