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Goond Katira Edible Gum Heera 100g



Heera is a well-known brand providing among the others food products and incense sticks. All of the products are very high quality which made Heera recognizable in many countries. Heera's products include ready-to-eat foods, beverages, spreads, spices, pickles, sauces, flours, rices, spice blends, as well as luxury spices such as saffron.

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  • Categories: Masala
  • Availability: In stock

Gond Katira Heera


Gond Katira is a natural gum obtained from the dried sap of several species of Middle Eastern legumes of the genus Astragalus. The gum is sometimes called Shiraz gum, shiraz, gum elect or gum dragon. It is a tree gum just like any of myrrh but is less common in products than other gums, such as guar gum or gum arabic.

Gond Katira is a viscous, odourless, tasteless, water-soluble mixture of polysaccharides obtained from sap that is drained from the root of the plant and dried. The gum seeps from the plant in twisted ribbons or flakes that can be powdered. It absorbs water to become a gel, which can be stirred into a paste.

The major fractions are known as tragacanthin, highly water soluble as a mucilaginous colloid, and the chemically related bassorin, which is far less soluble but swells in water to form a gel.


Gondh Katira is rich in calcium, magnesium and almost contains around 3 % of protein along with alkaloids. It is used as a common base for salads, sauces and mayonnaise. It is also used to thicken ice creams, in making laddoos and for cake decorations.


Gond Katria is well known to have anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties and thus help in delaying wrinkles and reducing fine lines.
Healing wounds and pigment reduction are two of the Gond Katira benefits for pimples.
This herb also supports the treatment of acne, skin pigmentation, breakouts, and burns. Thus, for best results, combine this gum with face masks or face packs.

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