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PILLSBURY GOLD ATTA - whole grain wheat flour 5 kg



PILLSBURY GOLD ATTA - whole grain wheat flour 5 kg Pillsbury Gold Atta comes from the highest quality 100% Sharbati wheat. Sharbati Wheat is among the best quality wheat in India and comes from the fertile and golden fields of Madhya Pradesh Wheat. Sharbati Wheat makes pies such as Rotis have a creamy color, delicious aroma and are wonderfully soft. Due to the high content of gluten and protein, the flour gives the dough elasticity, supports rising, and the dough is fluffy. Due to the fact that the dough is flexible, it can be rolled out into very thin cakes. Perfect for making Indian breads such as naan, roti, chapati and puri. Dough made from this flour stays fresh longer because Atta flour absorbs more water during production compared to regular flour. Pillsbury Gold Atta flour also contains nutrients. INGREDIENTS: The only ingredient used to make Pillsbury Gold atta flour is whole wheat grain. Health properties: - vitamin E and vitamin B (memory enhancement) - high levels of f
vitamin E and vitamin B (memory enhancement) - high levels of fiber that help improve the digestive process - zinc, niacin and vitamin E contained - improve eye health - selenium in Pillsbury atta improves the health and appearance of the skin. Selenium also reduces the aging process - helps the body flush out harmful toxins from the body - whole grain flour helps to maintain weight, improves the body's metabolism - zinc strengthens the hair
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