Beans themselves are among the oldest vegetable species cultivated by humans . According to scientists, its cradle is Central America, from where the vines full of nutritious pods migrated south - in Peru, traces of bean cultivation have been detected dating back as far as 2,000 years BC.
– Beans are rich in potassium , calcium and phosphorus .
-Beans also contain easily digestible starch and substances that inhibit the growth of cancerous tissues
– Contains fiber, which helps remove excess cholesterol from the body.
In the kitchen:
Today, beans are the basis of the diet of a large part of the population of the Americas, China, India and the Middle East, and are a key ingredient of many traditional dishes .
In India, red beans are used to prepare Rajma Dal, a spicy legume curry with tomatoes .
In the Middle East, as well as in South America, the famous Chili con carne is most often prepared from red beans , i.e. a stew of red beans and beef in a spicy tomato sauce .
In Poland, red beans are used as an ingredient of many salads and vegetarian spreads.