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RK STAR ANISE - anise stars 50g



Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).


Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).


Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).


Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).

Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).

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  • Availability: In stock

Anise has a strong, spicy-sweet taste. It can be used whole, crushed or ground. Star anise can be used for cakes, compotes, puddings and to flavor alcoholic beverages (e.g. liqueurs).

in the kitchen

In Poland, star anise is commonly used as a spice for holiday baked goods, meat (pork, veal and poultry), vegetables and alcoholic products. It can also be added to fruit soups and compotes. Whole stars enhance the taste of heavily sweetened coffee and tea.

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