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Arbi (Colocasia roots) 500g



Arbirootsare a richsource of fiberand other nutrients. Typically,the roothas a brown, covered with hairs,skin, and in the middleis white.Itis a vegetablewith high starch contentand greaterthanpotatocalories(100g = 112Cal).

  Arbis arefree ofglutenand are verynutritious. They haveantioxidant properties(B-carotene) andvitamin-balanced proportions ofminerals,especiallyB-complex, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron and copper.

The fiber content in Arbi is 4.1g per 100g,which represents11% of thedaily requirement.Together withslowcarbohydratessofa, a reasonable amountof fiberallows fora gradual increasein blood sugar levels. Minerals arean important component ofcelland fluid, and also affectthe heart andblood pressure.

Please note that all products in this category are 'perishable' - with a shelf life of only a few days. Most of our vegetables and herbs are flown in from India on every Monday night and the shipment shall be sent to our clients on every Tuesday. When ordering fresh vegetables and herbs, you should ensure that someone is available to pick the delivery on Wednesday.

       * LittleIndia will not be held responsible if the delivery cannot be picked up.



We sell vegetables and fruits only by shippment and in Our stores. There is no option to buy with store pick up.

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