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Candles wicks soaked in Ghee 30pcs. Om Shanthi



Inflammation of Diya before the start of any activity encourages the atmosphere. Diyas is a way to increase the purity and spirituality of our home and mind. While the lamps are illuminated with oil and ghee, our tradition prefers ghee diya, especially the cow ghee lamp over oil on special occasions.

According to the Agni Purana, lighting Cow Ghee Deepam is meant to increase sattvic tattva, which contains light, bliss and goodness. The Sattwic mind is always stable and blissful inside. It is the practice of lighting cow ghee diyi for health, wealth and happiness.

Om Shanthi Pure Cow Ghee Diya made of Cow Ghee are a convenient and accurate replacement for traditional ghee lamps. Battis Pure Cow Ghee has a burning time of 20-30 minutes. Put these Diya Bhatti in a lamp and light them.

Candles wicks soaked in Ghee 30pcs. Om Shanthi

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