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Ground cumin TRS 400g



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  • SKU:
  • Categories: Masala
  • Availability: In stock

Ground cumin TRS, 100g

Roman cumin powder

Cumin or cumin seeds are tiny, boat-shaped seeds taper at each point with a small stem, hairy and brown in color. Cumin seeds are aromatic flavoring spices
a distinctive bitter taste and a strong, warm aroma due to the high oil content. Cumin seeds have a striped pattern of nine ridges and oil channels. Cumin seeds are
a popular ingredient in Middle Eastern, Asian, Mediterranean and Mexican cuisines. Cumin seeds are the main ingredient in most curry powders
and many of the Navratan Mixture spicy spices, and are used in stews, grilling - especially lamb and chicken dishes. They are also used to make pulao or plain cumin rice. Cumin
the seeds are one of the important spices in the five spice blends, "Panch Phoron". TRS Cumin Powder (Jeera) is an important Indian culinary spice and an ingredient in most curry powders. A distinctive and warming soers, jeera is used in lamb and chicken dishes and gives added flavor to rice and vegetables.

It is a spice that gives a specific and spicy aroma to spicy Indian and Arabic dishes.
Cumin is an essential ingredient in spice mixtures. Used to add flavor to rice, vegetable and meat dishes.

Storage: To maintain freshness and fragrance, store in an airtight container in a cool and dry place.

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