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RK CHANA DAL - shelled chickpeas 1kg



Chana dal – shelled chickpeas, resembles shelled half peas in appearance and size. It goes perfectly with vegetables (lecho, stews) and soups. It is the perfect addition to a fresh salad or served as a snack.

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Chana dal – shelled chickpeas are very popular and often used in India to prepare dal dishes (a type of thick soup/stew). Its appearance and size resembles shelled half peas. Chana dal is a rich source of protein and fiber and has a low glycemic index.


Chickpeas, also known as chickpeas or cowpeas, have numerous health properties. Chickpeas, apart from being a treasure trove of protein, contain large amounts of other ingredients that prevent constipation, promote weight loss, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

  • Eliminating constipation and improving digestion,
  • Possibility of achieving a slim figure without making sacrifices - the fiber contained in chickpeas ensures a feeling of satiety for longer,
  • Regulation of the nervous system,
  • Lowering blood glucose levels,
  • Increasing the body's immunity,
  • Improving the condition of hair, skin and nails.
  • Lowering the pressure and level of the so-called bad cholesterol,

In the kitchen:

Chickpeas have been used in Indian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine for many generations. It is the basis for delicious falafels and hummus. However, we can use this product in many ways.

 -Pairs perfectly with vegetables (lecho, goulash)

– Roasted chickpeas are the perfect addition to a fresh salad or served as a snack

-A great base for preparing healthy desserts

A method of preparing: 

It can be eaten both cold and hot. It can be boiled, fried, stewed or baked.

It is best to soak in water for about 12-24 hours, rinse thoroughly and dry. Cover with clean water and boil for about 15 minutes, then simmer for about 30 minutes or until tender. Add salt only at the end of cooking. Once cooked, chickpeas  can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days.

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